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ASER 2014: Glass half full or half empty?
Children / Government / Government, Policies / Policies

ASER 2014: Glass half full or half empty?

Despite being a country that is grappling with the poor quality of education in schools and colleges, we have failed to recognise what this report has tried to bring to the fore: the gap between the increasing outreach of the system and its growing infrastructure vis-à-vis stagnating learning levels. Continue reading

Looking back and Looking forward…

Looking back and Looking forward…

Looking back, it’s been a good year overall for CASER, Change Agents for School Education and Research, considering how we began, not too long ago with baby steps, in March-April, 2014.
Despite several things that we bemoan, when we look around and see all the good things happening, even if it is in small measure, one feels convinced that it’s gonna be a great year ahead! And India does have a bright future – but we can’t just cross our hands, complain and hope things will change. We need to be out there and be the change we want to see! Continue reading

Can Sanskrit enable India to become the Global Leader?
Guest Post / Uncategorized

Can Sanskrit enable India to become the Global Leader?

Sanskrit as a language needs to be seen as an integral part of our culture and all efforts should be made to preserve and revive the language. Inability of studying the original treatise in Sanskrit will lead to loss of cultural heritage and diminished understanding. Since 95% of Sanskrit literature is non-spiritual in content and discusses music, dance, mathematics, astronomy, etc. in great depth, it has in fact inspired many renowned institutions of management, engineering, science, architecture and others across India. Continue reading

Change Agents for Swachh Bharat

Change Agents for Swachh Bharat

The Bal Swachhta Week, a sub-celebration of the Clean India aka Swachh Bharat Campaign saw the Researchers at Observer Research Foundation and Mahatma Gandhi Centre of Cleanliness, Sanitation and Community Health release ‘Change Agents for Swachh Bharat’ at Nityanand Municipal Primary School, Andheri with the support of Ms Mansi Apte, the Education Officer. The release … Continue reading

Children are not just tomorrow’s citizens, they are the Change Agents for Swachh Bharat TODAY!
Environment / Government / Innovation / Policies

Children are not just tomorrow’s citizens, they are the Change Agents for Swachh Bharat TODAY!

Children debated on several aspects of cleanliness, sanitation and hygiene – what makes a locality/ city ‘unclean’, who is responsible to keep their environs clean, what are the systems that need to be in place in their school, neighbourhoods, cities and towns towards Swachh Bharat, and their personal experience in being ‘change agents for Swachh Bharat’. Continue reading